Imamwada hammam - popularly known as the Moghul Hammam - is the only one in the city to be constructed in the style of the bathing establishments of the middle-east. Though few people know about its vintage, it is estimated to be at least a century old.
The Iranian family that owns the bathhouse located in Imamwada says there are plans to shut down the place by the end of this month because running it is no longer viable economically;A bath here costs as little as Rs 15;
He described the ritual: “You had to bring your own soap which for us would be the red Lifebouy bar or Pears. We used to pay Rs 125 each.
Then you strip down to your underwear and lie on the floor. The attendants would throw buckets of water on you and start scrubbing you with the soap till the bar dissolved.
“The heavyset attendants would even stand on the thighs of the prostrate clients to give them a thorough rub down. When the pummelling ended, the bathers would relax in the lukewarm water of the hammam. After 15 minutes of relaxing in the water, you came out with read and glowing skin

I head to Imamwada - a Persian neighbourhood in South Mumbai - to 'truly experience' the only functioning Turkish Bath in the city. For the uninitiated, a Turkish bath (also called a hammam) is a community bath house ... Built for the city's Iranian immigrants, the hammam is currently fighting a losing battle .... Most Popular.
The Iranian family that owns the bathhouse located in Imamwada says there are plans to shut down the place by the end of this month because running it is no longer viable economically;A bath here costs as little as Rs 15;
He described the ritual: “You had to bring your own soap which for us would be the red Lifebouy bar or Pears. We used to pay Rs 125 each.

“The heavyset attendants would even stand on the thighs of the prostrate clients to give them a thorough rub down. When the pummelling ended, the bathers would relax in the lukewarm water of the hammam. After 15 minutes of relaxing in the water, you came out with read and glowing skin

City's only hammam to close down - Posted On Friday, May 21, 2010 ...
May 25, 2010 - Imamwada hammam – popularly known as the Moghul Hammam – is the only one in the city to be constructed in the style of the bathing ...I Let A Grown Man Bathe Me At An Iranian Hamam In Mumbai...And It ...
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