Sutradhara’s tales: When Pune minted coins…literally!
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is known to have struck gold coins called “hon” as he declared his sovereignty as a ruler in 1674. He also minted copper coins called “shivrai” which continued to be in use till the early 19th century
In the age of digital banking, the hassle of carrying coins and paper notes currency is slowly becoming redundant, but yet not completely so. The token money that we use today may slowly lose its worth in days of inflation, but the variety of metal coins minted in medieval era are still sought-after for its antiquarian significance and inherent value. Pune city is blessed with some avid coin collectors who opened up their treasures to me to reveal the historical coins that were minted in the city, three four centuries ago.

Pune was never the capital of any significant dynasty, but rose to power in the 18th century under the Peshwas. But, first minted coins of Pune were published half a century earlier by non-other than emperor Aurangzeb.
Aurangzeb’s win over Pune in the 17th century was no small event. The victory over territory what was once Shivaji Maharaj’s abode was an event to commemorate. In remembrance of this victory, he renamed Pune as Muhiyabad in memory of the untimely death of grandson and struck rupees first time in the history of Pune. The coins minted in 1701-02 marked the forty-fifth regnal year of his reign. Historical records are silent about the mint name and location.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is known to have struck gold coins called “hon” as he declared his sovereignty as a ruler in 1674. He also minted copper coins called “shivrai” which continued to be in use till the early 19th century.
The first Maratha coin issue known from Pune is a rupee struck in the name of emperor Muhammad Shah about the middle of 18th century CE. The issue was minted at Pune when it was under the Maratha administration but lack exact date. Thus, we gather that unlike Shivaji Maharaj, the Maratha administration of later days did not declare its sovereignty by minting coins with special marks unifying it under one rule.
There exist records of contracts regarding mints assigned by Nanasaheb Peshwa, but we have yet to find the record of existence of the mint.
His descendent, Madhavrao Peshwa, confirmed established of mint at Pune. In one of his letters to Madhavrao Pethe, he highlights the shortage of coinage (probably owning to loss at the battle of Panipat) which needs to be dealt with by minting coins at Pune. He offered his personal artefacts and jewellery to be melted and used as bullion.
To ensure the coins have acceptance across India, as a standard practice, “Patashahi Shikka” (impression of Mughal emperor) was used. The mint was to make various coins such as rupees, “adheli” (half rupee) and “golden mohurs”. Minting of coins, thus, started at Pune on official and regular basis by the middle of 18th century.
The mints were managed by Kamavisdar who would submit deposit with the government and establish the mint. Traders and moneylenders in requirement of the coins would submit the metal either gold, silver or copper to mint coins.
In case of larger amounts, moneylenders in Pune would issue “hundi” (like modern travellers cheques) to assure the carrier, issue of coinage all over India.
The first contract of establishment of mint was issued to Dullabhshet (from the Gujarati Barnath community) for five years in exchange of deposit of ₹75,000. This is an enormous amount considering the rate of gold at that time was Rs15 per tola (10 grams). The making charges were recovered from the people who sought to mint coins. Typical rates were ₹15 to 23 for minting 1,000 coins. Out of these, one third amount was government’s share.
The workforce associated with the minting occupation included goldsmiths (to check metal purity), clerk (accounting), blacksmith (forging), bhatekari (pumping air), dye striker (ghanekari), awati (melting bullion) and so on, including guards for protection of coins.
The contract of minting coins stayed with Dullabhshet for forty years (1761-1801). After 1801, Bajirao II decided to increase mint making in Pune and granted several contracts. One of his close associates and an infamous historical figure, Trimbak Dengale, was recipient of one such contract. Chronicles mention that Brahmaji Kansi, Nanaji Tambat and Bhavani Singh Mainsingh from Bundelkhand were appointed as contractors of mint by Bajirao in 1804.
In early days, mints were distributed across towns of Vasai, Neral, Kalyan, Belapur and Atgaon before it were closed due to inconsistency in purity, standards and operations, and shifted to Pune.
As per the research conducted by senior historian GH Khare, there were three mints (tanksal in Marathi) in Pune (Muhiyabad) and one each at Chakan (Navinabad) and Chinchwad (Ganeshpur) during late 18th and early 19th century.
City historian Mandar Lawate quotes that the locations of mint were not permanent and shifted frequently across town. Mansions of Shripad Namji and Narsimha Mandavgane are referred as location of mint which cannot be found as yet. Location of Gopalkrishna marriage hall near Sonya Maruti, hosting Gopalkrishna temple, was built by Dullabhshet is another possible location of the mint. Pune Nagar Samshodhan Vritta, compilation of Pune city by historians, mentions a mint located near Dulya Maruti temple. The typical rent was Rs12 which is on a higher side.
Mint at Pune always had an idol of lord Narismha and shri Balaji installed at the location. All festivities throughout the years were celebrated in the locality.
The type of coins minted at Pune mint were Hali Sikka, Shri Sikka, Dahu Sikka (started by Bajirao II), Shetshahi coins, Chandwadi rupee, Shivrai in copper, Ga coin (symbolising Ganpati), silver and gold coins, gold muhars.
Peshwas have known to have minted coins with ‘Parshu’ (battle axe) mark which might be representation of their Kokanastha origin and Parshuram association. These coins cannot be dated exactly. Nau Shri sikka was a coin minted by Peshwa Amrutrao during six-month regency in 1802-1803 when Pune was ascended by the Holkars. Ganpati (Ga sikka) was first struck by Peshwa Bajirao II in 1805 in a newly established mint. It was discontinued as it was not accepted by traders. Apart from Shivrai, another copper coin was minted in Pune with mark as “Muhiyabad Punah”.
Ankushi or Chinsuri rupee with characteristic Ankush (used for controlling elephant) mark was produced in numerous mints in Maratha territory but it was first struck at Chinchwad and Pune by Narayanrao Peshwa. Ankushi rupee went through system of saraf (bankers and moneylenders) marking after its issue as an assurance of purity. The fresh=minted coin was known as “Kora”, the one with some saraf marks “Nirmal chhapi”, medium marked as “madhyam chhapi”, numerous marked as “naram chhapi”. “Naram chhapi” was brought back to mint as bullion and remade. The forgery was in vogue in those days and the forged coins, too, were melted as bullions and recreated with standard purity.
The mints during the Peshwa period were operational from 1861 to fall of Maratha Empire in 1818 except for some disruptions due to Holkar’s invasion of city in 1802 and 1804-05.
The minting of coin continued for a while after Pune was annexed by the British after 1820 till 1834-35. The main alteration made by the British was insertion of Fasli year in Marathi numerals on the reverse. The system of minting went a great reform during the colonial period and what remains of Pune mint are the scattered coins in museums and private collections.
Saili Palande-Datar is an indologist, environmentalist, history researcher and farmer. She can be reached at