Saturday, July 25, 2015

India 1929


HT This Day: Feb 15, 1929 -- Princes Oppose Independence

BySpecial Correspondent, New Delhi
Feb 14, 2022 07:47 PM IST

When the Chamber of Princes met to-day under the presidency of the Viceroy, the Maharaja of Patiala moved the following resolution: “While adhering to their policy of non-intervention in the affaire of British India and repeating their assurance of sympathy with its continued political progress, the Princes and Chiefs composing this Chamber, in view of the recent pronouncements of a section of British Indian politicians indicative of a drift towards complete independence, desire to place on record that in light of the mutual obligations arising from their Treaties and Engagements with the British Crown they cannot assent to any proposals having for their object the adjustment of equitable relations between the Indian States and British India less each proposals proceed upon the initial basis of the British connection

When the Chamber of Princes met to-day under the presidency of the Viceroy, the Maharaja of Patiala moved the following resolution:

HT This Day: Feb 15, 1929 -- Princes Oppose Independence
HT This Day: Feb 15, 1929 -- Princes Oppose Independence

“While adhering to their policy of non-intervention in the affaire of British India and repeating their assurance of sympathy with its continued political progress, the Princes and Chiefs composing this Chamber, in view of the recent pronouncements of a section of British Indian politicians indicative of a drift towards complete independence, desire to place on record that in light of the mutual obligations arising from their Treaties and Engagements with the British Crown they cannot assent to any proposals having for their object the adjustment of equitable relations between the Indian States and British India less each proposals proceed upon the initial basis of the British connection.

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Link with British India

In urging to one Chamber the careful consideration of the resolution, the Maharaja of Patiala said:

“Your Excellency we have always refrained from any interference with British Indian politics, and we have not the least intention of departing from this salutary role Bur the complete severance of British connection which has been advocated by a section of British Indian political thought, is not a matter which affects British India alone. It would be a matter of indifference to us if we had no desire of ultimate federal relations with British India, with proper safeguards, or if we had no treaty obligations with British Crown to discharge. But that is not so. Our ties with British India are close. We are linked to British India politically, historically, economically. These ties will, we hope, become even more close in the future. W e, therefore, regard it as our duty, to give suitable and timely expression of our deep concern, that the developments in the Indian polities should not be such as would create an unsurmountable obstacle in the way of closer relations between British India and Indian India, or inconsistence with the due discharge of our mutual treaty obligations with the British Crown.

Place of State

The reasons why such suggestions necessarily evoke our lively concern are not far to seek In India, taken as a whole, our interests are of a magnitude only second to those of British India. Territorially, the Indian State, if Burma be excluded, constitutes nearly one half of the total peninsula, while their population numbers upwards of 76 millions. We feel we are entitled to an adequate voice in shaping the ultimate policy of the whole country.

Your Excellency, it is our profound conviction that in the best interests of India herself, the British connection should be maintained. Provision must of course be made for changing times and for progressive developments, but granted these, we believe that India will be a greater and a more prosperous land as a federation of autonomous States and provinces with the Empire, than she will be outside the Empire. This being our conviction, we can only regard any movement in British India in the direction of complete independence, as likely to injure the best interests of the country, and also to postpone the establishment of an equitable and friendly adjustment of interests between the States and British India for the good of India as a whole.

Obligation, to Crown

“So far, Your Excellency, I have been looking at the matter from the common-sense material point of view. But there are other factors to be considered. We ourselves have entered into solemn reciprocal obligations with the British Crown, which we must discharge, in the future as we have done in the past. These obligations entail the maintenance of an honourable connection, importing respect by either party for its own duties and for rights of the other between India and Britain. Without such a connection, we feel that these mutual rights and duties cannot on discharged. Hence, quite apart from our conviction that the inclusion of India within the British Commonwealth is vitally necessary to the wellbeing of the country, we feel, the suggestion of independence conveys a menace to the due discharge of these reciprocal rights and obligations.

Sympathy with Br. India

“Your Excellency, we desire to make it clear that we imply no hostility to British India. On the contrary, we have expressed our sympathy with the aspirations of British India which we regard as legitimate. We unhesitatingly reaffirm this sympathy, and not merely in a conventional sense. We have always contributed to the extent of our power, towards the educational, humanitarian, and progressive activities in British India, we have always refrained from doing anything which might thwart or retard the political progress in British India towards dominion status. We have no intention of ever doing that. We recognize that British India has as much right, within its exclusive sphere, to aspire to rise to its full stature, as the *4tates have to e joy fully the rights they are entitled to exercise. But just as we cannot, fairly take any step in matters involving the common interest of British India and Indian India, without paying due regard to the legitimate rights of the former, so we on our part o aim the same consideration from British India in matters which involve us along with them. Differences with our friends in British India will only arise, when their conceptions of their rights extend to a degree which causes them to claim an exclusive control over interests, which owing to considerations alike of history and politics, are not theirs and theirs alone. This resolution is intended, as stated above, to express, in time our apprehensions lest developments should occur in British India, which may hinder the cultivation of those closer ties designed to lead up to the equitable adjustment of the interests of British India and Indian States, on federal basis. Our one desire is to cement our relations with British India consistently with the due discharge, of our duty to our States, and our treaty obligations with Britain.

The Three Parties,

“Finally, Your Excellency, we wish to emphasize our belief that any constructive settlement of the Indies situation must take due notice. of the legitimate interest of all the three parties concerned, I mean, Great Britain, British India and the Indian States. Only by taking due account of at three, can statesmanship ultimately pres are the way for any permanent constructive work. We ourselves believe that there lies before India a great and worthy future, in keeping with the traditions of her glorious past. Let us, whether we be the representatives of the British Crown, British Indian leaders or Indian Princes, see to it that our activities and our energies move harmoniously to the task of building up an Indian federation founded upon a mutual respect for each others rights, which shall remain a constituent and autonomous part of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

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d To India Biplane Airmail Service, 1929 PC


reverse side

An old 1929 postcard showing the DeHavilland Hercules Biplane carrying airmail from England to India. This passenger airline was operated by Imperial Airways at the time, now known as British Airways. Another of the Imperial Airways biplane the Argosy operated the first airmail service between India to England in April 1929.

Imperial Airways also operated flying boats from England to India in the 1930s and 1940s. After the merger of Imperial Airways and British Airways Ltd forming BOAC which also operated flying boat services to India. There were scores of British airway companies operating from 1919 to 1974 until all merged into a single entity named British Airways in 1974.

To know more go to History of British Airways. The DeHavilland Hercules Biplane had limited capabilities it had a number of fatal crashes on various occasions. The Hercules in 1929 crashed in Iran carrying mail from England to India. Perhaps it is the same aircraft that is shown here.

Did you know – the first flight from England to India was on a


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Origin of Bombay Street Names

FRAMJI COWASJI BANAJI, 1838, the original landowner of Powai and Kavasji Jamshedji Petigara: An Extraordinary Policeman

Replying to @Khaki_Tours and @TheParsiTimes

A Tribute to FRAMJI COWASJI BANAJI, 1838, the original landowner of Powai

FRAMJI COWASJI BANAJI BOMBAY, 18th May, 1838 was the original landowner of Powai, where in the land was subsequently handed to Mr. Sir Mohammed Yusuf and then over to Freedom Fighter Chandrabhan Sharma.
The Powai Estate in its palmy days was the glory of Western India. In addition to this, Framji was connected with numerous other enterprizes, viz.: railways, insurance com-panies and so forth. (Picture: Framji Cowasji Banaji Bungalow opp Powai Lake)
He was the first Justice of the Peace in Bombay, one of the first citizens to introduce- gas light in Bombay, the first to introduce- engineering contrivances in the matter of- carrying water from one place to another ‘by means of pipes, and above all, the first Indian in whose honour a public meeting was held’ where Hindus, Mahomedans, Parsis and Chris-tians assembled together to raise a memorial to* his great and valuable” services. Besides help- ing forward the cause of the country in* these ways, Framji encouraged its industries and its arts in agnore practical and substantial form, for he was one of those believers in national upliftment that would see in the advance of national industry a means to the end.  He early associated himself with public companies of an industrial character and where other natives of India were afraid to step in, he rushed forward and cleared their way, undetaking risks and ventures, He was the first and only native f India who purchased the shares of the G.I.P. Railway Company when the scheme was first launched into existence. The Company had to pass through trying conditions when it had to bore tunnels in the of heart of the mountains, and many.shareholders began shirking, but Framji would not be deterred by anything which established his reputation among the Europeans. Again owing to the invention of steam-power, cotton-weaving and L spinning industries were just being set afoot, and so were Insurance companies & commenced, and of allthe natives,Framji was the first to help them in a very tangible form by investing what little he had these newly-risen companies, which accounts for the great sacrifice he made. He one of the active workers on the Board of the Bank of Bombay, and of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce ushered into existence in the year 1836.
Prior to his days, the people of Bombay knew little of the benefits of insurance,and when a modest company was started, it had to pass through a crisis; but Framji came to its rescue and set an example to his fellow-countrymen and co-religionists- by buying up a large number of shares in it. This is but a brief account of what great industrial enterprizes Framji in his days aided in a variety of ways. He earned much, but gave away more to works of public utility, so that,at the time of his death which took place at the patriarchal age of 85, he was rather poor.. Being a lover of education and science, he took a great interest in the* furtherance of the cause of education among the masses, and when he died, the Education Board under the presidency of that eminent educationist and Judge, Sir Erskine  Perry, had  a very touching resolution put before the committee . and passed which, considering the scant, support and co-operation sought by the-government in those days from Indians, and the equally meagre way in which it was suppprted, redounds to the credit of this eminent Parsi. That resolution ran as follows : ” Framji Cowasji, Esq., resigned his seat in consequence of his advanced time of life. The eminent and good citizenship, and zeal in supporting every measure for public improvement, which distinguished our late much esteemed colleague, are too well-known to your Lordship (Governor of Bombay) in Council to need any notice from us, but in recording his death, which subsequently occurred, the Board feel a melancholy pleasure in thus publicly expressing the respect in which they hold his memory.”
But more touching and impressive was the resolution put before the public meeting convened at the Town Hall in his honour by the‘Hon’ble Jagannath Shankersheth when he addressed the meeting as follows :” You [Judge Le G-eyt] as his friend and his colleague, Mr. Chairman, know how highly I estimated the character of our -deceased friend. He was not a scholar, and for the last ten years of his life he was not a wealthy man ; indeed, he had fallen into evil days, and yet he managed to,secure the esteem and love of all who came within his influence ; and the question which suggests itself is what were the qualities which now we esteem and love which he possessed of all the inhabitants of Bombay? his eminent good citizenship. He possessed that virtue, not common among people now, in an eminent degree. It is a. virtue too little exemplified by our  Hindu friends, who, I hope, will excuse me for so saying,  is it universal among the Parsis, but it is more so among them than among other classes. He exercised that virtue more than others of his countrymen ; he was a steady good citizen, bold enough to speak out hjs opinion, and energetic to rest himself to do his country good. These virtues we are desirous to see universal.” The great Dadabhai Naoroji was present at the meeting and he too spoke in eujogistic terms along with many other Parsis, Hindus and Mahomedans, which shows in what universal esteem and respect this great Parsi was held, Framji Cowasji died nearly 80 years ago, but his name and fame are imperishable for he was a great servant of his community and his country
Bombay Photo Images[ Mumbai]: FRAMJI COWASJI BANAJI, 1838, the original  landowner of Powai and Kavasji Jamshedji Petigara: An Extraordinary  Policeman

Bombay was not what it is to-day, and the Powai Estate, which stood in the vicinity of the town, extended for miles together where this “Lord Leicester of Western India,as the was aptly called by Sir John Malcolm, a former Governor of the Presidency, laid out vast plots of cultivated area.
 Sir John Malcolm 
Sir John Malcolm
John Malcom 1769 1833 by Samuel Lane.jpg
Governor of Bombay
In office
1 November 1827 – 1 December 1830
Sir John Malcolm

Governor of Bombay
In office
1 November 1827 – 1 December 1830

John Malcolm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Major-general Sir John Malcolm GCBKLS (2 May 1769 – 30 May 1833) was a ... Sir John Malcolm was born in 1769one of seventeen children of George ...

in one of his records states :
” I lately paid a visit to the estate of Framji Cowasji at Powai and never was more gratified. ‘This highly respectable native has laid out much money time a variety of useful improvements. He has sunk a number of wells, has built houses, and made an excellent road, planted a gveat quantity of sugar-cane, indigo^, and mulberries for silk-worms, he has erected an excellent sugar mill, which I saw at work and all the necessary buildings on an indigo manufactory. But, what. I was most delighted with was the passionate fondness Framji appeared to have for his estate.”His projected improvements of a tank, a garden full of fruit trees of every country, the erection of ~a bungalow for English travellers and a Safai and the stables at the spot where the road to his estate leaves the Thana great road, will be more useful to the public, as it is exactly half my between Bombay and Thana and mark the liberal spirit in which he has determined to fulfil the obligation of his lease.” There were eight villages under Framji’s control, a number of wells were sunk by him ; and the most note-worthy point about the estate was that there were a lakh of mango trees in his garden. To-day, too, the mangoes of Powai sell dear in the markets of Bombay because they are so good.
Framji was the first native of India to send mango fruits to England as a present to Queen Victoria. A copy of his letter to H. M. the Queen is given below: *
“‘” May it please Your Majesty, 
The improvement and extension of Steam Navigation have now happily brought your Majesty’s dominions in the Eastern world so closely together, that I venture most humbly and most respectfully to lay at your Majesty’s feet some specimens of the. celebrated Bombay mangoes, in earnest hope that this delicious fruit, which has never before been transmitted to Europe, may reach your Majesty in a state of preservation and prove.

Prominent Zarathushti Series
Avari, Dinshawji Amalsad, Meher Dadabhoy
The Avaris of Karachi, Pakistan, under the guidance of Dinshawji’s humanitarian, charitable, social and communal services; have earned the recognition and respect of the Zarathushtis as well as all sections of society in Pakistan. The late Dinshawji Byramji Avari was one of those rare Zarathushtis who believed in success at the service of others, not at the expense of others. His humility, spirituality, integrity, charity and love for humanity make him a 5-star Zarathushti.
Bhikaiji Rustom Cama
A young dynamic Zarathushti lady defies the colonial rule imposed on her country of birth at great personal risk, and sets the stage for the eventual independence of India half a century later. The set of circumstance that shaped such a remarkable individual is covered in this article.
Khurshedji Rustomji CamaA Salute to the "Lay Dastur" 
Daruwala, Jehan 
An effective reformer, this 19th century priest of the Parsi community of India was able to start a campaign of awareness along with other well known community leaders. The forces they set in motion had the impact of creating awareness about the need to restore the religion of Zarathushtra closer to its original focus and away from the dogmas that had come to plague it. The services of this scholar priest must be acknowledged.
Noshirwan Cowasjee
Capitan, Shahpur 
This article covers the life story of an industrious and hard working man who grew his family business into a leading shipping company in Pakistan and later continued that legacy to build a ferry business in Southern England.  A dedicated family man, he showcased Zarathushtrian values of commitment to progress, charity, and love for humanity.
Eduljee Hormusji CoyajiThe Good Doctor of PoonaShroff, Maharukh
His demise created a great void in Poona and for the people of that city, especially the poor who worshipped him.  His life was an embodiment of Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds lived to the fullest.
Dastur Maneckji Nusrawanji DhallaThe Man
Rivetna, Roshan 
The fascinating article takes the reader through the life and achievements of Dasturji Dr. Maneckji Nusravanji Dhalla, one of the greatest Zarathushti spiritual leaders of modern times.
Rustam Bahman Guiv
Pavri, Jamshid 
Several years ago late Mr. Pavri wrote an article which serves as a comprehensive biography of Arbab Rostam Guiv. Rostma Guiv, Iranian philanthropist and merchant spent his life and wealth in building the modern Zarathushti society.
Manekji Limji Hateria
Soroushian, Dr. Mehrborzin 
Reversing the downfall slide of Zarathushtrianism in its birth land, with all forces bent on its destruction was a monumental task to be undertaken by this man of courage and dedication. His life of giving helped resurrect a community that could have otherwise been lost.
Dinshah Irani
A noble son of the Zarathushtrian tradition Coyajee, Sir Jehangir 
A highly admired leader of the Iranian Zarathushti community of India in early 20th century. Dinshah Irani helped new Zarathushti refugees with their settlement. His leadership, and contributions to furthering understanding of Zarathsuthra's message has earned him enduring respect from generation of Zarathushtis of Iran and India. 
Ardeshir Goodarz Jahanian
Mehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 
The story of Jahanian's life story is stuff heroic legends are made of. His tireless struggle  to study, teaching and preservation of Iranian Zarathushti heritage is one remarkable struggle. A successful Zarathushti merchant from a modest merchant family in Yazd rose to prominence for his efforts and contributions to his Zarathushti community.

Jamshid Bahman Jamshidian
Mehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 
Originally hailed from Yazd this industrious businessman rose to the national spot line and championed the constitutional reforms of his nation. He managed to redress a wrong that had been perpetuated against the minorities of his nation for over a millennium, and challenged the colonial powers of the time who had extracted monopolistic control of the banking system of his nation from the weak and corrupt central government. Arbab Jamshid Jamshidian's rise to prominence and his undoing through  a well orchestrated plan of the colonial powers of the time was very much tied to the fate of his nation and community. 
Dinshaw Framroze Joshi
Daver, Adi

One of the first Zoroastrians of the 20th century who established himself, and was regarded, as a "world-authority" in the modern arena of telecommunications, Dinshaw Joshi left his mark on his profession as well as on his community.  His was a moderating voice committed to the betterment of his community. He proved to be a good role model for others who followed him in the context of the North American Zarathushti community
Sheheryar Kaoosji
Kaoosji, Yezdyar
A pioneer in education of the blind in India, his social consciousness and activism left a lasting mark on his community that he loved and served.   Admired by many, his concern for all people was a hallmark of his actions in a life of service and giving that he led.
Sohrab Rostam Kaikhosow Viraf Kianian
Mehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 
A leading member of Zarathushti community of Yazd during early decades of twentieth century, his dedication to serve the community proved crucial during this critical period of history. Kianian’s gentle and steadfast character earned him true respect of the Zarathushti population of Yazd .
The Life and Work of Mirza Soroush Lohrasb 
Pishdadi, Jamshid  (translated by Saadat, Dr. Sohrab)
The dedication, care and resilience shown by this educator and community advocate made great difference in the lives of many whom he touched in earlier decades of the twentieth century, Yazd, Iran.
Peshotanji Dossabhai Marker Rustomji, Aban 
A humble and caring Zarathushti from India who reached out and touched the lives of many Zarathushtis of Iran at the time help desperately needed. His noble deeds and charitable giving gave many deserving Zarathushtis the helping hand enabling them to rise and reach their potentials.  The cherished memory of Peshotanji Marker is captured in this article.
Jamshid Nusserwanjee MehtaThe Maker of Modern KarachiDadachanji, Feriedon 
Jamshid Nusserwanjee Mehta was a unique man, very giving and caring, with a mind for making things happen. He was trusted by the constituency of common people and hold their trust. He chose a life of service and giving in favor of a life of luxury in accordance with the Zoroastrian values instilled in him by his mother, father, and his community. The article brings alive the uniqueness of a man whose name conjured up faith, trust, love and respect in people. 
Sir Pherozshah Mehta
Dotivala, Godrei Naval 
As the first administrator and a prominent public figure in Colonial Bombay, the dignity and honor with which this public figure conducted him won him respect, trust and admiration of his countrymen. A revealing view of this unique public figure is captured in this narrative.
Shams-Ul-Ulama Dr. Sir Ervad Jivanji Jamshedji Modi
Giara, Marzban Jamshidji

As a learned Parsi Zoroastrian priest of the 19th century, Jivanji Jamshedji Modi left his mark on the priesthood that followed him.  Well known for his community activism and his priestly knowledge, Ervard Modi traveled extensively and was an inspiration to those who met him.
The Life & Times of Sir Hormusjee Naorojee Mody
As a self driven individual always trying to excel, this prominent Zartoshty of the nineteenth century became a force in the development of Hong Kong into a thriving metropolitan port city of South East Asia. His acts on philanthropy fueled important aspect of Hong Kong's civic life.
Dadabhai Naoroji, The Grand Old Man of IndiaZoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe secretarial help produced this article based on documented historical information.
Nani Ardeshir Palkhivala
He was acknowledged as one of the world's greatest lawyers ever, and fought several historical cases for the citizens against the illegal and arbitrary actions of the Government in India. Overcoming a dreadful stammer in his childhood, he became a great orator, and published several books. His Ambassadorship to the USA were much appreciated both by his countrymen as well as Americans. He received several awards, and served as president and director of number of large corporations in India.
Jamshed K. Pavri
Tata, Bella
Born with a pioneering spirit and endowed with great energy and intellect, this community leader was instrumental in the establishment of one of the North American Zararathushti communities of mid 20th century. He worked actively to help in the resettlement of Zarathushtis to Canada from other regions and helped new comers settle in their new homes.
Sir Dinshaw Maneckjee Petit
Giara, Marzban
From his humble beginnings this industrious young man rose to be a captain of the industry in his homeland of India pioneering the introduction of several industries.  His acts of philanthropy became a legend as he bankrolled the rescue mission aimed at saving at the remaining small community of Zarathushtrians in the birthplace of the faith, Iran.

Professor Ibrahim Pour-e-DavoudMehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 
This article describes the combination of circumstances that led to the making of Ibrahim Pour-e-Davoud into a leading scholar of Zarathusthrian studies. As a venue for reaching his nationalistic aspirations, Pour-e-Davoud comes into contact with descendent of ancient Iranians who had fled to India. From that point his sojourn to realizing his sense of nationalism gets underway.
Behram (Behli) Sohrab H. J. Rustomji
Behram S. H. J. Rustomji was a life-long educationalist, a gifted musician, a visionary school principal, an author of several books and hundreds of papers and articles, and an active community social worker. He made B. V. S. Parsi High School in Karachi, Pakistan rise to the high level of "excellence" in education and envy of all the local schools. He indoctrinated in every pupil the daily practice of ASHA and use of VOHU MANA, guiding the careers of thousands of his pupils Towards That Best Light and made them proud to be Virbiajeeites. He was truly a legend.
Dr. Mehraban Shahriari 
Farshidi, Dr. Bahram
Driven by his desire to improve the welfare of the populace of his native city of Kerman he became an agent of social change. Mehraban Shahriari studied medicine and became a well admired physician in Kerman.  His legacy continues to inspire generations of young Kermani physicians.
Keikhosrow Shahrokh
Mehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 
From his humble beginning, this Zarathushti school teacher hailed from Kerman, rose to the national spot light at the turn of the 20th century as his motherland was going through an ebb in its nationhood. Overwhelmed by the weight of superpower rivalries and suffering from a weak and corrupt ruling class and with Iran's nationhood on a deathbed, Arbab Keikhosrow Shahrokh appeared at that very critical point to champion the cause of his nation, and earned the respect of his people and others who came in contact with him.
Manijeh "Kermani" Shahrokh
Mehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 
Mehrfar in his own powerful language presents the biography of late Manijeh Kermani, a Zarathushti woman well ahead of her own times in social organization and leadership. This biography is prepared with first-hand information provided by Mrs. Katayoon Farin, daughter of late Manijeh Kermani.
Mobedan-e-Mobed Rostam Dinyar Shahzadi
An embodiment of enlightenment, courage and dedication
Mehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 
The life story of a gifted and dedicated man who became the well celebrated Mobedan-e-Mobed on Iran of the 1990, and whose acts of courage earned him the respect of his nation is covered in this article.
Jamshid Soroush Soroushian
Cereti, Professor Carlo G. 
Vajifdar, Farrokh 

A Zarathushti of Kerman, Jamshid Soroush Soroushian (1914-1999), a community leader, devoted his immense intellectual energy to investigation of his ancestral religion, history and heritage. His commitment to dissemination of information on Zarathushti religion attracted the admiration of two generations of scholars worldwide.
J. R. D. Tata: On the Islands of Tata, In the Ocean of India
Amalsad, Meher Dadabhoy
Tatas have been at the forefront in the making of the Indian nation - not just by their monumental achievements as industrialists and entrepreneurs but also by their phenomenal philanthropic contributions in areas of medical research, higher education, aviation, culture, arts and human development. This article while highlighting the attributes of J. R. D. Tata, encapsulates the essence of a 'Century of Trust' built on the Tata tradition of Charity, Industry and Integrity.
No Picture
Dastur Jamasp Valayati Kermani 
Soroushian, Dr. Mehrborzin 
A learned Zartoshty priest from Kerman whose celebrated trip to Surat, India in late 16th century was instrumental in the transfer of knowledge that led to understanding Zarathushtra’s Gathas many years later.
Bai Jerbai Nusherwanji Wadia
Kerr, Dr. Sam
A socially conscious and visionary lady who despite her family means to live a lavish life dedicated her life to the service of those less privileged than herself.  She became the first Zarathushti to think of building affordable homes, offering security for migrant families from Gujarat in search of a better future in the large metropolitan city of Bombay. 
The Wadias of India: Then and Now
Jungalwala, Khorshed
The history of an enterprising Zarathushtrian dynasty whose generation after generation built pioneering businesses that contributed in significant ways to the industrialization of British India and Independent India for the past three  centuries is related by one of its direct descendents. The ships they built crossed the open seas to promote trade for India and for other nations.  The reputation they built for honesty, generosity and a genuine concern for their fellow human beings was a hallmark of their enterprises. The family's spirited philanthropy went beyond the Zarathushti community, covering areas of education, health, welfare and industry.
Esfandiar Bahram Yeganegi
Mehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 
An institution by himself, an institution of generosity, a monumental man whose sound of laughter brought joy of reassurance to the heart of his listeners.
Fereidoon Bahman Zartoshti 
Mehrfar, Dr. Khosro E. 

A leading businessman, community leader, and philanthropist, this giant of a man and his brother Mehraban facilitated improvements for Zoroastrians of Iran, India in the 20th century.  He was also instrumental in helping Zoroastrians of Diaspora in North America and Australia to build community infrastructures that would serve the community needs into the 21st century and beyond.

Image result for Framji Cowasji at Powaihow parsi become new rich elite in india,, | pakistan failed state ...
Parsi opium drug runner SIR Cowasjee Jehangir Readymoney made Elphinstone College. He also made a big part of Mumbai University. See his picture below.

Kavasji Jamshedji Petigara: An Extraordinary Policeman

On reading a recent article on the Irani brothers in the Mumbai Police Force, Parsi Khabar reader Shahpur Doctor writes in to remind us of a legendary Parsi police officer from nearly a 100 years ago.
Shahpur writes:
I would like to bring the following information for your kind attention, and I am certain that your readers will enjoy reading about it.
250px-Sykes.1The life size marble statue of Ex. Deputy Commissioner of Police,  Khan Bahadur Kavasji Jamshedji Petigara,   C.I.E., O.B.E., I.S.O., J.P. I.P. is located near the Framji Cowasji Institute at Dhobi Talao in Mumbai. The statue was unveiled by Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyer, Dewan of Travancore near Faramji Cowasji Institute, Dhobitalao, Bombnay, on 8th June 1940, when an Armed Police Contingent, presented A Guard of Honour.  The Viceroy of India, & The Governor of Bombay, praised his wisdom, popularity & eagerness to do his duty & his Gallantry, and  Meritorious Services rendered by him for many years fighting Crime at Bombay.
Then Commissioner of Police of Bombay spoke about, and recorded his utmost Loyalty & Dedication towards his Senior Officers.
Kavasji Petigara was born to a very devout and honest Parsi family on November 24th, 1877 and passed away on March 28th, 1941, at the age of 63. He started his career as a Sub Inspector of Police in 1903.
Due to his Crime Fighting ability, Intelligence, Meritorious Service and Loyalty, he was Promoted to the Rank of Inspector of Police, after Six years of service in the year 1909.
After 10 years he was Promoted to the Rank of of Superintendent of Police, Bombay, in the year 1919.
On February 1st 1928 he was the first Indian ever to be promoted to the rank of deputy commissioner of police, by the British, & was placed in charge of the crime branch of the Bombay police, which post he held for 10 years.  He retired on April 11th, 1937.
220px-Kavasji_Jamshedji_Petigara_statueHe was given The Title of Khan Saheb in 1912. In 1916 he was bestowed the Title of Khan Bahadur for his highest acts of bravery. He also earned, I.S.O. Imperial service Order in 1926,  O.B.E.  Order of The Brirtish Empire, in 1931, C.I.E.  in 1933, and KING’S POLICE MEDAL, IN 1934.
After retirement from Police Service, he was appointed as The First Non Muslim, to a very responsible position of Admini9strator, of Prince Ali Khan’s (son of Aga Khan) estate.
He was a True Parsi in every sense of the word, was very religious and was a regular worshiper at our Parsi Fire Temples and our Atesh Behrams.  Though he was Tough by nature but he was very kind hearted and took Great Care of the Officers and the Sepoys (street cops) that served under him.  He was well known for his personal charities to the poor and the needy, and to the families of the crime victims.  So today let us Salute this Great Soul, who has made our Parsi Community Proud, as it is time to celebrate his Birth Anniversary on November 24th.
More about Kavasji Jamshedji Petigara: Wikipedia Entry
Shahpur further adds:
I would like to add a few names that I missed when I wrote to you earlier.
The other names that come to my mind are Inspectors Antia and Zaveri, and I am not sure if they became ACP’s One person that also made a name for himself was Assistant Commissioner of Police Cooverji Bhesadia, who was attached to The Anti Corruption Bureau at Bombay and he broke the backs of  the Gold Smugglers, in the late 1960’s.  We also had Mr. Sanjana who was not a Police Officer, but was a strict Law Enforcement Officer in the capacity of The Deputy Collector of Central Excise at Bombay & he went after the Gold smugglers in a very big way, in the 1960’s.
Even at the R.T.O. Regional Transport office, there were several Parsi R.T.O. Officers.  The Top position was held by Mr. Servai, who i believe was the Chief R.T.O. Officer.Then we had Dy. SP. Darayus Contractor, (Deputy Superintendent of Police) in the district of Thana, who resided at Rustom Baug.  After his retirement he was chosen as The Chief Security Officer of Bank Of Baroda at Bombay, as he had to his credit of having cracked many major cases during his tenure.At Bombay in the 1050’s there was a Civilian Officer with The Bombay Police who was the Pillar of The Finger Print Bureau.
His name was Mr. Daruwalla, and in the day and age when they had no computers,  he was the most respected FINGER PRINT EXPERT OF NATIONAL REPUTE OF HIS TIME. Mr. Daruwalla  HAD CRACKED MANY CASES WITH HIS EXPERTISE OF FINGER PRINTS.  Mr. Daruwalla had testified in Courts, where his word was respected as an authority.In The State of Gujarat, we had I.G.P. (Inspector general of Police) Mr. Nagarwalla I.P.S. who was a Indian Police Service Officer along with other Parsi Police officers that served the State of Gujarat. At the Central level we also had I.P.S. Parsi Police officers by the names of Mr. Rustomji, and Mr. Satarawalla.
If my memory serves me right, they both were I.P.S. Police Officers and at least one of them was The Director General of The Border Security Force (B.S.F.)Some people have made irresponsible statements about our Present day Parsis, not joining the Police Force, by saying that they are lazy, & like to work in The Corporate world, and they lack knowledge of the Marathi language.  Let me add my 2 cents to this statement by saying that today the main reason for Parsis not joining The Police Force, is that Corruption is at such a high level that where one has to bribe to be recruited, or be a relative of a minister. So our Parsi boys, are not good candidates for the this job, and the higher ups are fully aware of it, so if any Parsi that applies does not have a snow ball’s chance in hell to either be selected, and if selected they are shunted to unimportant posts, as they do not have their Godfathers as Higher Ups who can assist them.
This is a Very High Stress Level job, where there are no labor laws to protect them, and they have to work very long hours without any limit, at the cost of their family life.
Unwanted transfers when their children are in school, upsets the education plans of their children.
One has to handle “human garbage” on a daily basis and that also is a negative factor of this Police job.  One is damned if they do their job and damned if they don’t.  Criminals walk free and officers are made answerable.
Far off transfers from their residence also takes it’s toll.
There is no job satisfaction.  As they say in Marathi “VASHILA PAIJE” WHICH MEANS YOU NEED A GODFATHER TO PULL YOU IN, AND TO GIVE YOU PLUM POSITIONS, & POSTS, without which one just rots in the Dept. in unimportant bottom of the barrel postings for years.
Knowing that, is a very sad situation, so the Parsis / Iranis have not thought about joining the Police Dept in recent years.  Gone are the days of the Parsis to work as Police Officers, unless one can manage to be selected as an I.P.S. Officer. Additionally one must remember that, all or most of The Parsi / Irani Police Officers that excelled in the Police Dept. in the past, never gave a helping hand to the young Parsi Boys to join the Police Dept. and never played their part to bring up those that had already joined, and if one was dumped in an unimportant position due to lack of that “VASHILA”, then they rotted there for many years, causing the morale to dip low.
Among the Maharashtrian Police Officers, they actively make it their Priority to suck in their own people, take an active roll so that they do get timely Promotion, and Postings at important Posts.  So that being said, we can conclude that the time of the Parsis / Iranis to serve in the Police Dept. has become a thing of the past.   So we have to move on.
It is Proven by the fact, that I personally am not aware of a Single Parsi / Irani Police Officer who has brought in his son, daughter or relative, in the Police Dept.  This very silently proves morale at it’s lowest.

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Missing: 1838 ‎| Must include: 1838
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