Saturday, November 21, 2020


"Imperial Durbar at Agra," in 1866; *a very large scan of this engraving from 'Le Tour du Monde', 1872*

*"The Governor-General's state howdah," a chromolithograph by William Simpson, 1867* (BL)

"State Reception of Native Princes by the Prince of Wales (as an Indian Potentate), Bombay 1875," a color lithograph

*"Silver throne made for the use of the Prince of Wales," from The Graphic, 1875*

"Entry of the Prince of Wales into Baroda," Illustrated London News, 1875

"Prince of Wales Mounting his Elephant in Jeypore," from the Illustrated London News, 1876; also *"The Prince of Wales and the Governor of Goa on their way to the Cathedral at Old Goa"*

"The Reception of the Prince of Wales at Calcutta" (by rulers of various Sikh states), from the Illustrated London News, 1876 (with later hand coloring); *a very large uncolored scan of the same engraving*

"Grand Encampment of the Order of the Star of India at Calcutta," from the Illustrated London News, 1876; also *"The Chapter of the Star of India at Calcutta--the Prince of Wales investing the Maharajah of Jodhpore," from The Graphic, 1876*

His Excellency the Viceroy's elephant, photographed by Bourne and Shepherd, c.1865; *another Bourne view: "H.E. the Viceroy's elephants, Benares"*

"Railway Station, Quetta: Arrival of Their Excellencies [Lord Elgin and his viceregal party] and presentation of an address of welcome," a photo by Frederick Bremner, 1894

*"The splendid reception of the Emperor of India's princely vassals at the India Office," from The Sphere, 1902*

*"Duke of Connaught arriving at Meerut Station," c.1903; a photo by W. G. Skinner, a British officer, c.1895-1904*

The homage of the Maharajah of Bundi to the Viceroy and the Duke of Connaught, Delhi Durbar, 1903

*"The Great Elephant Procession at the Delhi Durbar," 1903, from The Graphic*

*"Off to the Durbar!" from Punch, 1902*

*"The Royal Procession through Delhi: the King-Emperor in the City of the Moguls," 1911, from The Graphic*

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