Saturday, June 1, 2024

1850 :-2nd shop frm left is BOMBAY TIMES- Churchgate Street of the Bombay Fort. The Church Gate is seen at right end.


2nd shop frm left is BOMBAY TIMES- Churchgate Street of the Bombay Fort. The Church Gate is seen at right end

Churchgate railway station - Wikipedia
The fortress was eventually demolished in order to create new spaces for the expansion of the city, in 1860s. This gate was demolished in 1860. Later the Churchgate railway station was built in 1870 in close proximity to the position of the demolished gate, and hence got its name.

The fort walls
Pics & History: The Bombay Castle / Fort area-c199cd0aa98923065872f8b0e274e57b.jpg
Source: Internet.

Re: Pics & History: The Bombay Castle / Fort area

Pics & History: The Bombay Castle / Fort area-fb_img_1607763052904.jpg

Pics & History: The Bombay Castle / Fort area-fb_img_1607763048796.jpg

Pics & History: The Bombay Castle / Fort area-fb_img_1607763043213.jpg

Circa 1863


An old map of Fort. Image



The original Bombay Fort had three gates. These gates were demolished subsequently as the Bombay Town expanded beyond the fort. The picture above is of Apollo Gate , which was close to present day Naval Dockyard entrance and opened to the port , Apollo Bunder , where the Gateway of India stands today. This gate was for the traveller and traders who came via searoute to Bombay.

All Europeans coming by sea route use to enter through the Apollo Gate which was situated near the present Lion Gate. Other two gates where Churchgate and Bazaar Gate. The name Churchgate suggest that gate was present somewhere near where the Flora fountain to enter St. Thomas Cathedral Church.

No one was allowed to enter the city after sunset under any circumstances and anyone coming late had to spend the night outside the walls of the Fort. The city looked dead after seven in the evening. In order to indicate the time of sunset and sunrise, guns were fired.

Outside the city was the spacious Esplande (shown in first photo above) that stretched like a large even sheet of green earth from the fort wall to Back Bay and from Cooperage to Grant Road. On this vast space, parts of which are still retained in the forms of maidans, was the European Golf course.

The Fort wall were destroyed

All this suddenly underwent a change with the pulling down of the wall in 1862-63. Due to increase in trade the population was increasing. So as per city expansion plan, the fort wallls were destroyed by the Governor Sir Bartle Frere (Governor from 1862 to 1867).

The ditch was filled. The city, as if released from a long confinement, began to stretch itself across the Esplande, where imposing structures began to rise, marking the beginning of modern Mumbai.

The town was so small that it was only a mile long from Apollo Gate to the Bazaar and about two furlongs broad from Church Gate to the Bunder which can be identified with today’s Fort area.

View of Bombay showing the Fort

View of Bombay showing the Fort


Fort area was mainly known as the Bombay city in the history and today known as a popular part of town area. Other famous places in and around Fort area is Bombay Stock Exchange, Kala Ghoda, Churchgate station, CSMT railway station, Flora fountain and many more.

There was a marriage treaty between Portuguese and Britishers. In 1661 Prince Charles II of England was married to Infanta Catherine de Braganza, sister of the King of Portugal. Under this treaty the Bombay island was gifted as dowry by the Portuguese to the British.

After the handover of Bombay islands in 1665, the Deputy British Viceroy Humphrey Cooke, after taking the charge, he built a 50 metres fort wall installing upto 20 cannons on it. This was the first step of defence against the Marathas and the Dutch.

In 1715 the fort was expanded by Charles Boone, the Governor of Bombay. It was completed in 1722 with three gates: 1) Bazar gate (opposite GPO).2) Church gate (near Flora fountain) 3) Apollo gate (between St.Andrew’s Church and Rampart Row). That time the Fort area was considered as main city. It was built to protect city from invasion of Marathas. After thirty years for more safety purpose a ditch was constructed around the fort.

Until the mid-nineteenth century, Mumbai meant essentially the Fort and outside it were numerous villages like Mazagaon, Byculla, Mahim and Matunga. Outside the Fort walls was the ‘Black Town’ set amidst coconut trees. This also included the present. Girgaon and Bhuleshwar areas.

The Fort Wall, with its twelve bastions mounted with guns, ran from the sea to the Lion Gate then westwards upto the present University buildings and turned north, following Mahatma Gandhi Road (Honrby Road) upto V.T., then turning towards the east, joined the Fort St. George.

St. George Fort

St. George Fort is located in South Mumbai of Fort Area. It was constructed to honour King George III of England. The hill on which the Dongri Fort stood was razed and St. George Fort was built in its place.

Presently, the fort is headquarters of the Archaeological Survey of India and restored. Below photo is remains of the old fort of St. George in Mumbai near St. George Hospital. [image source: wikimedia Nicholas (Nichalp) – Own work]

Below is the Bombay Fort map (Source: Wikimedia)

