Tuesday, June 25, 2024


[Gallery: India]

James Wales (1747-1795) was a noted Scottish portrait painter and draughtsman. He was a contemporary of Lachlan Macquarie in Bombay in the last decade of the C18th.

In the period between Wales' arrival in Bombay in July 1791 and his tragic death in November 1795 he executed a number of important and evocative views of the settlement and its environs.

This selection of images has been made available (with permission) from the Peter Anker Collection held in the Kulturhistorisk Museum at the University of Oslo, Norway. They were originally published posthumously in 1800 in the work Twelve Views of the Island of Bombay and Its Vicinity: taken in the years 1791 and 1792. They provide a unique perspective on the landscape and daily life of Bombay in the last decade of the C18th.

[Malabar Hill, Bombay.]
View from Malabar Hill
[Love Grove, Bombay.]
View of Breach from Love Grove.
[Breach Causeway, Bombay.]
View of Breach Causeway
[View From Belmont.]
View From Belmont.
[View From Belmont.]
View From Belmont.
[View from Sion Fort.]
View from Sion Fort.
[View From the Island of Elephanta.]
View from Sion Fort.
[View From the Island of Elephanta.]
View from Island of Elephanta.
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