Sunday, June 30, 2024



This was one of the finest vessels employed in the East Indian trade.


Monthly Pay on Board a Regular East Indiaman

Commander £10 0
Chief Mate 5 0
Second Mate 4 0
Third Mate 3 10
Fourth Mate 2 10
Fifth Mate 2 5
Sixth Mate 2 5
Surgeon 5 0
Purser 2 0
Boatswain 3 10
Gunner 3 10
Master-at-Arms 3 0
Carpenter 4 10
Midshipman and Coxswain 2 5
4 Midshipmen, each 2 5
Surgeon’s Mate 3 10
Caulker 3 15
Cooper 3 0
Captain’s Cook 3 5
Ship’s Cook 2 10
Carpenter’s 1st Mate 3 5
Carpenter’s 2nd Mate 2 10
Caulker’s Mate 2 15
Cooper’s Mate 2 10
6 Quartermasters, each 2 10
Sailmaker 2 10
Armourer 2 10
Butcher 2 5
Baker 2 5